Certificates, authorisations, approvals, licences.
Low current/security technology are highly sensitive areas. For Teloplan, the relevant certificates, licences and approvals are a matter of course. You can find out about Teloplan certifications from TÜV Rheinland via the web link www.certipedia.com and by entering our ID number 9105022914.
DIN 14675
DIN 14675: 2012 ("fire brigade standard") Mandatory for acceptance and maintenance of fire alarm systems
ISO 9001
DIN ISO 9001: 2015 quality standard Quality processes for customer satisfaction
ISO 45001
DIN EN ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management system
ISO 14001
DIN ISO 14001:2015 Focus in environmental management on CO2 emissions and materials management
Special authorisation "Engineer in the skilled trades"
Teloplan was founded in 1993 by Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Waese as a craft business. The necessary special licence was granted. To this day, the intensive combination of engineering technology and craftsmanship is one of Teloplan’s strengths. Engineering services are planned in accordance with service phases 1-9 of the HOAI.
Quality means customer satisfaction!
Quality is a question of definition. That’s why we define our quality processes from the back: from customer satisfaction. In 2002, Teloplan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH was certified for the first time in accordance with the DIN ISO 9001 quality standard and has been regularly audited and recertified ever since.
Fire brigade standard: mandatory in the area of fire alarm systems
A valid certificate in accordance with DIN 14675 (“fire brigade standard”) is mandatory for companies and engineering offices that offer planning, project planning, assembly and installation, commissioning, acceptance and maintenance of fire alarm systems (FAS). Teloplan was certified to DIN 14675 for the first time in 2002 (in accordance with the VdS 2095 guidelines).
Also important in the BMA sector:
- To maintain the certificate, quality management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 is required, which Teloplan has been able to demonstrate since 2002.
- Teloplan has a DIN 14675 installer licence for the installation of fire alarm systems (all phases) for the makes NSC, NOVAR/Honeywell, Siemens Algorex, NOTIFIER, GE Security and Hekatron.
- Teloplan creates fire brigade route maps in accordance with DIN 14675 in coordination with the requirements of the responsible fire brigade.
- Teloplan prepares fire brigade deployment plans in accordance with DIN 14095.
- Teloplan creates escape and rescue plans in accordance with BGV A8 (DIN 14096).
Signalling systems: Telecommunications licence
Teloplan has a telecommunications licence in the trade sector.
Occupational health and safety: For our employees
Teloplan – these are the people who work and perform. We will only satisfy our customers in the long term if our employees are healthy and satisfied. This is why Teloplan has introduced the occupational health and safety management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 45001 (formerly BS OHSAS 18001:2007) and was certified for the first time in 2011.
- Special authorisation "Engineer in the skilled trades"
Teloplan was founded in 1993 by Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Waese as a craftsman’s business and received the necessary special licence for this. To this day, the intensive combination of engineering technology and craftsmanship is one of Teloplan’s strengths. Engineering services are planned in accordance with HOAI.
- Quality means customer satisfaction!
Teloplan defines quality on the basis of customer satisfaction. Teloplan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH has been DIN ISO 9001 certified since 2002 and is regularly recertified.
- Fire brigade standard: mandatory in the area of fire alarm systems
Companies and engineering offices that offer services relating to fire alarm systems require a valid certificate in accordance with DIN 14675 (“fire brigade standard”). Teloplan was first certified to DIN 14675 in 2002 in accordance with the VdS 2095 guidelines.
- Important in the BMA sector:
- Quality management according to DIN EN ISO 9001 since 2002
- Installation licence in accordance with DIN 14675 for the installation of fire alarm systems (all phases) for the makes NSC, NOVAR/Honeywell, Siemens Algorex, NOTIFIER, GE Security and Hekatron.
- Fire brigade route maps in accordance with DIN 14675 in coordination with the responsible fire brigade.
- Fire brigade deployment plans in accordance with DIN 14095.
- Escape and rescue plans in accordance with BGV A8 (DIN 14096).
- Signalling systems: Telecommunications licence
Teloplan has a telecommunications licence in the trade sector.
- Occupational health and safety: For our employees
Teloplan attaches great importance to the well-being of its employees, because satisfied employees are the key to long-term customer satisfaction. For this reason, the occupational health and safety management system was introduced in accordance with DIN EN ISO 45001 and certified for the first time in 2011.
Management systems and certificates are a way for us to objectively and measurably demonstrate that we are constantly improving.
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Waese, Managing Partner Teloplan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH